is Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης on disney plus

Is Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης Movie on Disney+?

  • Category: Comedy | Runtime: 93 Minutes | Family Friendly: No
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  • Year released: 1971
  • Rated: N/A
  • Runtime: 98 min
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Director: Kostas Karagiannis
  • Writer: Kostas Pretenteris
  • Actors: Labros Konstadaras, Ketty Panou, Rika Dialyna
  • Country: Greece
  • Awards: N/A
  • BoxOffice: N/A

Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης was released in 1971. It's audience rating is N/A and it runs for 98 min. A Comedy movie, it was written by Kostas Pretenteris, directed by Kostas Karagiannis; starring Labros Konstadaras, Ketty Panou, Rika Dialyna. Andreas Tependris, the director of a mannequin school, meets again with an old friend who has returned from America. He proposes to get him a partner in his business, provided that he has grown up and changed his way of life. So, a new life begins for him by pretending the big businessman. But when he meet a wealthy American woman, he loses his mind and even renounces his fiancé. She, with the help of her daughter and his friends, sets him up for a trap to convince him.... Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης was first released in Greece and has grossed N/A at the BoxOffice Worldwide. It is available in the Greek language(s). If you liked Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης, you will enjoy similar Comedy movies like Ο Φαφλατάς, Ο καβαλάρης των F.M. Stereo, Η αγάπη μας, Ο Θησαυρός του μακαρίτη, Η Θεία Μου η Χίπισσα, .

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Is Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης (1971) on Netflix?

No. Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης is not Available on Netflix

Is Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης (1971) on HBO NOW?

No. Ο Τρελοπενηντάρης is not Available on HBO NOW