is Het teken van het beest on disney plus

Is Het teken van het beest Movie on Disney+?

  • Category: History | Runtime: 88 Minutes | Family Friendly: No


  • Year released: 1980
  • Rated: N/A
  • Runtime: 98 min
  • Genre: Biography, Drama, History
  • Director: Pieter Verhoeff
  • Writer: Anton Haakman, Jurriën Rood, Cherry Duyns
  • Actors: Gerard Thoolen, Marja Kok, Peter Faber
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Awards: 3 wins
  • BoxOffice: N/A

Het teken van het beest was released in 1980. It's audience rating is N/A and it runs for 98 min. A Biography, Drama, History movie, it was written by Anton Haakman, Jurriën Rood, Cherry Duyns, directed by Pieter Verhoeff; starring Gerard Thoolen, Marja Kok, Peter Faber. In 1928 in the northern part of the Netherlands, a man has an affair with the wife of one of his friends (who is in jail at the time). Because she abandons her children to move in with him, the police are sent to arrest her. This leads to a dramatic confrontation.. Het teken van het beest was first released in Netherlands and has grossed N/A at the BoxOffice Worldwide. It is available in the Dutch language(s). If you liked Het teken van het beest, you will enjoy similar History movies like The Revenant, Little Women, GoodFellas, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Murder on the Orient Express, .

Where to Stream and Watch Het teken van het beest

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Is Het teken van het beest (1980) on Netflix?

No. Het teken van het beest is not Available on Netflix

Is Het teken van het beest (1980) on HBO NOW?

No. Het teken van het beest is not Available on HBO NOW